Hex #410244 color

    This is a great online color tester and designer. Unlike other hex code color testers, this application can also test hex colors on a selected background and guides you in color mixing. Type the color(s) in 3 or 6 digit hex code format eg. #410244, #404 or RGB numbers format eg. 65, 2, 68. Backgroud color is optional. Default value FFFFFF (white) is selected when no value supplied for bg color. (Note: no matter whether the symbol # is used in hex code or not.) The online color tester also helps you to select the harmonic color combinations. The complementary, triadic, analogous, split complementary, tetradic and square color schemes in the Color combining guide recommend you the best color groups for the two, three or four color design. You can also pick up the colors from the gradient scale, best brightness (lightness) level from tints or shades scale and the best suitable vibrance level from the saturation scale. Moreover you can pick the color you like from the random color palette generator. Color tester also shows you the negative and monochrome (grayscale) representation of selected color and the closest websafe color. You also find there the RGB and CMYK representations calculation.



Title in color #410244 on selected background color

Dummy text written in hex #410244 color on a background color. Text in color #410244 on the desired background color will look just like this. You just see the hex #410244 colored text written on a hex #FFFFFF color backgroud... Or you can't see, if you selected the wrong combination of colors :). The background color should be selected so that the intended #410244 text color is well visible on it. Alternatively, you can choose text color different than #410244 to achieve better text readability. It can be rounded to the 3 character hex code #404. The RGB values of the #410244 hex color are R: 65, G: 2, B: 68. In percentage it is Red: 25.5%, Green: 0.8%, Blue: 26.7%. The CMYK values of the #410244 hex color are C: 0.044, M: 0.971, Y: 0, K: 0.733. The nearest web safe color is #330033. Test of bold text in selected color. Test of italic text in the color. Finally the test of bold italic.

Border of hex #410244 color and background color:


RGB values of hex #410244 color:

RGB (Red, Green, Blue) additive color model representation (display)
Red: 65
Green: 2
Blue: 68

CMYK values of hex #410244 color:

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) subtractive color model representation (printer)
Cyan: 0.044
Magenta: 0.971
Yellow: 0
Black: 0.733

Gradient from #410244 to background:


Shades of #410244


Tints of #410244


Saturation scale - tones of #410244




Web safe:

  #BEFDBB   #1C1C1C   #330033

Color combining guide:

color wheels
The color wheels ilustrating the principles of 7 color combination approaches.

Complementary colors for #410244

  #410244   #054402

Triadic colors for #410244

  #444102   #410244   #024441

Analogous colors for #410244

  #200244   #410244   #440225

Split complementary colors for #410244

  #254402   #410244   #024420

Tetradic (rectangle) colors I. for #410244

  #440205   #410244   #024441   #054402

Tetradic (rectangle) colors II. for #410244

  #020544   #410244   #444102   #054402

Square colors for #410244

  #442002   #410244   #022544   #054402

Random hex colors palette:

(Don't like them? Use F5 or reload to generate color chart)
